- Advertise! Call Us At (727) 841-8943 Or Write To WaiverInfo@aol.com
WaiverProvider.Com reaches thousands of people all across Florida. We send a monthly newsletter out to help people- support coordinators, providers, families, schools, advocate groups and we hope you too.
WaiverProvider.Com is also linked to other popular sites such as SupportCoordinators.Com and The Support Coordinator Web Forums. And remember, WaiverProvider.Com reaches a targeted group of people to help provide them with the information they need to know about.
Click Here To Add Your Company!
If you do not have a website?
If not we give you a free one page website while you list your company on the WaiverProvider.com website.
Getting your services known to your targeted audience- support coordinators, waiver customers, and families- is the most important factor in having a successful business.
WaiverProvider.Com is a valuable source of information. It provides more than a directory of names and phone numbers. WaiverProvider.Com not only provides your company's contact information, but also provides detailed information about your business. You write a description about your company. Underneath your description will be a link to your website or one-page web flyer that we create for your business.
Even if you already have a website, and perhaps paid hundreds or even thousands of dollars on it's design, people need to be able to find it. There are billions of web pages on the internet. How can you make your web site stand out from the crowd and draw more visitors to your business?
Myth: I'm not allowed to advertise.
Yes, you are allowed to advertise.
You are not allowed to solicit.Click Here To Add Your Company!
See Our Advertising Plans!
- How Do You Let People Know About WaiverProvider.Com?
Call us at (727) 841-8943 to learn more.
Many Ways!
- We send monthly newsletters out to thousands of people all across the state of Florida (support coordinators, providers, state workers and families).
- We have high rankings in the search engines so people can find us in an easy way.
- Delmarva, APD, MAPP, FCCF, FND and other companies tell people about our websites.
- Many people link to us - SupportCoordinators.com, etc.
- Clear Choice Web Solution calls hundreds of support coordinators and providers every month.
- Support Coordinators call us, to help them find providers. It's a free service we provide to support coordinators.
- By having many information / provider Fairs around the state of Florida.
- And much more...
The FSL Waiver
WaiverProvder.Com gives you a unique opportunity to bring potential customers directly to your website. It's linked from SupportCoordinators.Com which already ranks extremely high on popular search engines such as Google , Yahoo, MSN, and Dogpile for many popular key word phrases including: Florida Support Coordinators, Waiver Providers, Medicaid Waiver Assistance, and FSL Waiver. WaiverProvider.Com has first page search engine rankings for many searches including: In Home Supports, Medication Review, Adult Dental, Consumable Medical, Residential Habilitation Providers, Personal Care Assistance, and Waiver Wheelchairs. SupportCoordinators.Com has banner links that bring people directly to these listings. We also let support coordinators know about these sites through face-to-face contacts, telephone calls, and email marketing. Thousands of people have already visited these sites, and they continue to become more popular because it provides valuable resources and information.
There are also many resources for customers, families, waiver providers, and support coordinators at WaiverProvider.Com. Take a few minutes to click on the different links. Come back often, we update our site every week. We are always adding new resources and current information. Remember that while we are working to get providers listed- letting them know about our services and building them websites- we do offer a free service to support coordinators. We will call providers for you. However, due to HIPPA rules, we can only call for support coordinators.
Waiver Providers, you can add your listing even if you don't have a website. We provide a free one page "web flyer" and free hosting, with your membership.
Click Here To Add Your Company!
- Not a publication of The Agency For Persons With Disabilities