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Tip: Click on the provider's name, to see their website.
Tip: The number symbols next to each provider's name, represents the district they serve.

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Wait List Priority Categorization

The "Wait list Priority Checklist" is the tool completed at the time an eligible individual applies for waiver-funded services and consists of an indication of the category that the individual will be placed on the wait list. This checklist identifies services needed and current services received and requests information about the individual's current and short-term life situation, condition and circumstances. The checklist is reviewed on an annual basis and is updated when the Agency is notified that the individual's needs and circumstances have changed
Wait List Prioritization Checklist

Question: I have been on the wait list for several years. How can I get on the waiver faster.

Answer: There are currently over 22,000 people waiting for waiver services in Florida. The only way to get on the waiver faster is by being in crisis. Examples of crisis include: homeless, no suitable caregiver, and extreme behaviors. Being in crisis does not guarantee waiver placement.

APD Needs Assessments

The Agency For Persons With Disabilities (A.P.D.) completes QSI (Questionnaire for Situational Information) for all individuals on waiver programs every three years. The QSI Assessments were mandated by the Florida Legislature and is one of the responsibilities of receiving waiver funded services. The QSI is the current needs assessment tool being used by A.P.D.

Prior to the QSI, Similar needs assessments have been done by A.P.D. The FSTS and ICG were used in the past. The new QSI assessments will be done by A.P.D. employees, rather than support coordinators.

See The New QSI Assessment Tool (PDF)

See a QSI Assessment Flyer

Question: How Do I Become A Provider?

Answer: When you are ready to become a provider, Call at
727-841-8943. We can provide you with ALL of the information and documents you need to make this happen. We can provide you with the tools to start your own company or work for an agency.

Be sure to check back often; new waiver providers are added frequently.

There are also many resources for customers, families, waiver providers, and support coordinators at WaiverProvider.Com. Take a few minutes to click on the different links. Come back often, we update our site every week.

Not Just For Providers

support coordinators

*Need More Information?
Call (727) 841-8943
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WaiverProvider.Com is more than a directory of Florida medicaid waiver providers. We also bring you the latest news and information to help People that are Developmentally Disabled & Senior Citizens as well.

Get the right health care provider for you & your loved ones.

We also provide detailed information about each medicaid waiver provider listed including: services provided, areas covered, special skills, and experience. If you can't find a provider on our website, have your support coordinator or case worker call us at (727) 841-8943. We will call medicaid providers for you at NO COST. We will get back to you with a list of available medicaid providers in your area.

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Delmarva Training Videos

*Delmarva training videos - iBudget Florida

* Delmarva training videos on the Florida
statewide quality assurance program

*Delmarva training on APD's CDC+ program

Interviews With Agency For Persons With Disabilities (APD) Directors:

Interviews With Agency For Health Care Administration Directors:

  • Are you on the wait list? APD is doing the QSI needs assessments for people who are on the wait list. Make sure APD has your current phone number and address.
  • Florida Supports Unite -UNITE With Those Who Are Also PASSIONATE About Improving The Lives Of People Who Have Disabilities.
    (an online community)

  • Planning is Crucial: Why You Need To Be On Top of Wills, Trusts, and Guardianship (text and video)
  • Moving To A New State?
    Get information about Waiver Programs
    in all fifty states at
    How to Search for Medicaid Waiver Providers
    To make it easier to find providers in your area, there are symbols next to each provider's name, showing the districts they serve. Learn about providers and visit their websites.
    Question: How Do I Get On The Medicaid Waiver?

    Answer: You need to fill out the application for services. Florida's HCBS and FSL waiver programs are for people who have certain disabilities. These disabilities include: Mental Retardation, Spina Bifida, Cerebral Palsy, Prader-Willi, and Autism. For More Information, you can call
    1-866-APD-CARES or 1-866-273-2273

    The Application For Services

    Application for Services

    Solicitude Espanola

    Question: Can I choose anyone I want to be my provider?

    Answer: To a large degree, you have choice of providers. However, the provider must serve the waiver you are on. The provider must also be certified to work in your area and for the services you choose. You can not choose a provider that is your legal guardian or parent.

    Question: Can I get everything the waiver offers?

    Answer: No, you need to work with you support coordinator and determine what services and products are "medically necessary".

    What Is The Medicaid Waiver?
    • Waivers cover things that medicaid typically does not cover.
    • Florida has several medicaid waiver programs, each assists a specific group of people. Florida's waivers include: iBudget Florida; Aged and Disabled Adult Waiver (ADA); Assisted Living Waiver (ALW); Channeling Waiver; Consumer-Directed Care Plus Program (CDC+); Long-Term Care Community Diversion Pilot Project; and Program of All-Inclusive Care (PACE)
    • There are over 20,000 persons with disabilities on Florida's Medicaid Waiver waiting list.
    • In July 2013 about 750 people were added to the medicaid waiver program. This was the first time in many years that a significant number of people were added to the waiver. People waiting the longest did not get the waiver, instead people with the most need got on the waiver.
    • About 30,000 persons with disabilities currently receive services from APD.
    • If you have the medicaid waiver in another state, it does not transfer to Florida. You will be put on the waiting list
    • Persons with the most need are placed on the waiver first. You can expect an 8-10 year wait to get the Medicaid Waiver in Florida.
    • Most States have Medicaid Waiver programs. To learn about Waivers in other states, visit